Training and Development Policy


Space 2B You is committed to providing a high standard therapeutic and diagnostic service. Therefore, Space 2B You encourages Staff and Contractors and contractor to engage in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and mandatory training. Space 2B You’s aim is to promote and drive a competent and efficient workforce focused on delivering an excellent service for clients, partnerships, stakeholders, and funders.  


Space 2B You are committed to supporting and encouraging Staff and Contractors and contractors to engage in CPD and mandatory training. Therefore, this policy explores shared responsibilities, mandatory training, and a framework for Staff and Contractors development.  


This policy applies to all Staff and Contractors and contractors working with Space 2B You.  

Shared Responsibility: 

Professional development is a shared responsibility between Staff and Contractors  and supervisors/managers/directors. Space 2B You expect all Staff and Contractors and contractors to contribute to the process through actively participating in mandatory training, maintaining membership of professional bodies (where appropriate), Continual professional development and up-to date DBS. Space 2B You may also offer free in-house training.  

 Staff and Contractors Development Framework: 

  •  Staff and Contractors development is achieved through in-house training, external training events, conferences and reading literature. 

  • Training and professional development needs are identified and discussed through line management supervision, clinical supervision and annual appraisal structures. 

  • In line with safe practice guidelines and professional body guidelines and membership, Staff and Contractors members will be required to attend compulsory training: 

  • Staff and Contractors and contractors will be expected to engage in at least the minimum CPD hours per year outlined by their professional bodies.  

Compulsory Training:  

  •  Safeguarding children level 3 (every 3 years) 

  • Safeguarding adults’ level 3 (every 3 years) 

  • Space 2B You Induction 

  • Data Protection (GDPR) 

  • Prevent Training 

  • Mental Capacity Act Training 

  • Clinical supervision (following professional bodies guidelines) 

  • Four to Eight weekly line management supervision (see supervision policies) 

  • Continual professional development hours (following professional bodies guidelines) 

  • To attend annual appraisal meetings with the service manager (see Staff and Contractors appraisal policy) 


  • Staff and Contractors and contractors will be encouraged to pursue their own personal and professional development through training courses and workshops, reading of literature and conferences to ensure skills and knowledge is up-to date and relevant. 

  • Staff and Contractors will have access to Space 2B You collection of professional publications.  

  • Space 2B you will encourage Staff and Contractors and contractors to give external and internal presentations, facilitate workshops and submit written literature. 


  • All Staff and Contractors and contractors must have professional qualifications relevant to their roles. 

  • All Staff and Contractors and contractors must have an up-to-date DBS. 

  • All Staff and Contractors and contractors are encouraged to continue with their professional development and additional qualifications relevant to their role. Staff and Contractors and contractors may wish to discuss this with their line manager, directors, or supervisor.  

  • In the event of an identified training budget, the allocation of funding will be based on the needs of the organisation in conjunction with identified Staff and Contractors training needs specific to the development of the Staff and Contractors or contractor’s role. 

  • Space 2B You will actively identify ‘free’ training, relevant to the needs of the organisation in conjunction with identified Staff and Contractors training needs. This information will be shared with all Staff and Contractors and contractors.  

  • On completion of a training event please inform admin and this can be updated on the Staff and Contractors training matrix.  

Staff and Contractors Training Matrix: 

A training Matrix provides guidance for both Staff and Contractors, contractors, supervisor, line manager and directors to identify Staff and Contractors skills, knowledge, and competency of the workforce. 

  • This provides Staff and Contractors, contractors, and Space 2B You an opportunity to explore gaps in skills, knowledge, and competence.  

  • The Training Matrix will list individual CPD undertaken and mandatory training.  

  • When a training requirement is identified because of change, updated information, practice, or legislation: Staff and Contractors and contractor will be informed, and they must receive this training as soon as possible and this be recorded on the Training Matrix. 

Data Security and Protection:   

 Personal identifying Information concerning clients or Staff and Contractors is strictly confidential and must not be disclosed to unauthorised persons. This obligation shall continue in perpetuity. Disclosures of confidential information or disclosures of any data of a personal nature can result in prosecution for an offence under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 or an action for civil damages under the same Act. In addition, Space 2B you may take disciplinary action.  

Disciplinary Actions 

Breach of this Training and Development Policy may result in disciplinary action.  

Contact Details 


020 3048 3331 (ext. 301) 
