Health and Safety Policy
Space 2B You is committed to ensuring the health, safety, and welfare of all employee’s contractors, clients, visitors and maintaining health and safety standards.
Space 2B You will observe the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all relevant regulations and codes of practice.
Space 2B You will consider any recommendations made by the Health and Safety Executive with regard to health and safety issue.
This policy is to be read in conjunction with Space 2B You associated risk management policies and procedures.
This commitment to health and safety is a management responsibility equivalent to that of any other management functions. It is Space 2B You’s responsibility to ensure that policy is upheld at all times and to provide the necessary funds and resource required.
Space 2B You will ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, that persons not in its employment who may be affected are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. Where such risks exist information will be provided, and all reasonable steps will be taken to bring this to the attention of its employees and the general public.
This policy applies to every person working with Space 2B You regardless of position and level of responsibility. Therefore, each staff member should have a clear understanding of this policy to prevent situations from arising that may impact the integrity of Space 2B You.
Space 2B You’s Commitments:
Space 2B you are responsible for:
• Assessing the risk to the health and safety of staff, contractors and others whilst accessing services.
• Identifying measures needed to comply with its health and safety obligations:
• Providing and maintaining locations, equipment, and systems that are safe and without risks to health.
• Ensuring that all necessary safety devices are installed and maintained on equipment.
• Providing comprehensive induction, information, instruction, training and supervision in safe working methods and procedures.
• Providing and maintaining a healthy and safe place of work
• Promoting the co-operation of staff to ensure safe and healthy conditions and systems of work through effective consultation.
• Establishing emergency procedures as required.
• Monitoring and reviewing the management of health and safety at work.
• Keeping this safety policy under review and making any revision when necessary. All such revisions will be brought to the attention of employees.
Space 2B You places particular importance on ensuring:
• That there is adequate and suitable lighting and heating throughout its premises
• That stairs and passageways are kept clear and accessible and that there is safe means of storing equipment and materials
• That all equipment and appliances are properly maintained.
• There is effective risk management and clinical governance.
• IT systems are maintained.
Space 2B You also commits itself to ensuring that adequate sanitary and hygiene arrangements are provided for staff and beneficiaries at in person locations.
The Staff and Contractor’s Commitments:
The above policy needs the full co-operation of all staff and contractors who are expected to take reasonable care for their own safety and that of others. In order to implement this policy, every staff member and contractor must:
• Comply with any safety instructions and directions.
• Take reasonable care for their health and safety and the health and safety of other persons (e.g., other employees, contractors, customers, clients, etc.) by observing safety rules.
• Co-operate with Space 2B You to ensure that the aims of the Health and Safety Policy are achieved, and any duty or requirement imposed on Space 2B You by or under any of the relevant statutory provisions is complied with.
• Report and co-operate in the investigation of all accidents or incidents that have led to or may lead to injury.
• Abide by policies and procedures in regard to risk management.
• Report any potential risk or hazard or malfunction of equipment to the appropriate authority.
Any failure by a staff member or contractor to comply with any aspect of the health and safety procedures, rules or duties could result in disciplinary action.
Allocation of Responsibility:
Although the final level of responsibility for ensuring health and safety at work lies with Space 2B You directors, every staff member or contractor has a responsibility to ensure the health and safety policy is maintained at all times.
The allocation of responsibility within Space 2B You for health and safety matters is as follows:
Space 2B You Directors has overall and final responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of health and safety policies.
All staff and contractors have the responsibility to observe all safety rules and follow the health and safety policy to achieve a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others.
Accidents and Illness:
If you suffer an accident on Space 2B You’s premises, all apropriate emergency responses, such as calling 999, should be taken. Once this has been done, you (or someone on your behalf) must report that fact to your line manager as soon as is practicle after the event. All accidents should be reported however trivial. The accident will be recorded in the Space 2B You’s Accident Book.
Building Security:
Space 2B You aim is to provide a safe space for all clients, staff, contractors and visitors, therefore, all staff have enhanced DBS annual checks, which is reviewed regularly as a supervision and business management process. All visitors access Space 2B You buildings are greeted by a staff member. Staff members who invite visitors without a DBS into the building, will supervise their time on the premises.
Information Governance
Personal identifying Information for both clients and staff is confidential and must not be disclosed to unauthorised persons and will continue in perpetuity. This is a legal obligation; therefore, any breaches of personal confidential information or data may result in prosecution and/or an action for civil damages under the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
Disciplinary Actions
Breach of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action.
Contact Details
If staff members are concerned that there has been a breach of this Code of Conduct, they must inform Space 2B You directors Marie-Anne McKee and Alison Joyce.
020 3048 3331 (ext. 301)